2014 Happy New Year!


The New Year parties have come and gone. Now it is time to focus on those pesky New Year’s resolutions that we have made. You know the ones that you swear that you will really work on…. But give up before the month is over.

Come on people, it is a new and glorious year. This will be the year we be realistic and complete at least half of our big goals. Maybe we could also work on some small goals as well.

Here is a list of a few of my goals for 2014.

Big Goals
• Graphic Novels
• Super Zero High – I really want this one completed first.
• Suburban Fighters
• Mythical Magick : Volume 3
• A Horror Graphic Novel
• Making and Sticking To A Comic Completion Time Table
• Be Healthier
• Revamp The Website
• Buy A Awesome Telescope * This Might Take A Couple Of Years
• Organize And Fix Up 1 Room In My House

Small Goals
• Comics
• 2 Mr. Purrfect Adventures
• The Hunted : Volume 1 Part 2
• Plan To Go To A Few Conventions
• Explore Different Art Techniques And See If They Will Improve My Own Art Style
• Paint And Draw For Fun – Not Just For Making Comics
• Go To A Few Art / History Museums
• Clean Up My Back Yard (Oh Happy Day)
• Make A Small Container Garden
• Work On The Dog Cage
• Make A Bigger Chicken Cage (Yes, I Have Chickens As Pets)

Notice that my goals are mostly artwork oriented. I really want to improve myself artistically. I don’t want to fall into a drawing rut. If I fall in one of those I might stop drawing for a while. So, I intend on trying to challenge myself this year. I also want to practice more with watercolor painting. I completed a few paintings last year and they were fun to create.

I know that A few of my wants and wishes are a bit out there. For example: the Chicken Cage and the Awesome Telescope.

The Chicken Cage will be fun to fix up. A larger cage means more fun happy go lucky egg laying Chickens. If it is completed in the spring time I can get little chicks!

The Telescope has been a wish for a few years. Who knows when I will finally take the plunge and purchase it. Sometimes life’s other priorities have to come before the frivolous purchases.

What New Year’s resolutions do you have?

– MD