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This is a sad day for America. Thanks politicians…… You have once again proven to me that our trust in you appears to be misplaced. Our Government partially shuts down…. again!

A good leader knows how to bring both sides together and get things done. These people (Our Government) are supposed to be some of the smartest people in the world. They should be able to work together to solve our country’s problems. Instead they seem to help create more problems.

It is ironic, how they pick and choose what they are going to close down. They are worse then school children bullying others… this is a bunch of nonsense. I thought that our Government wanted more money. Yet they close down areas that bring revenue. For Example, Some of the National Parks have been closed. People from around the world visits our national parks. I guess since the National Parks are closed….. The tourists will spend their money somewhere else. (Bye bye possible generated revenue.)

It is really interesting that Congress and the President have listed that they are not taking pay cuts. Can you believe that they are still getting paid during this time? Stop their pay and see how fast it all turns around. If the government has to shut down because of congress……… Then first pay cuts absolutely should be Congress.

Many people would think it only fair to expect our Congress to feel some of the financial pain of their latest embarrassment. Congress should be forced to forfeit their paychecks and especially health care benefits and be forced to take the same health care that they are trying to give the public. Obama conceded and let Congress keep their current health care instead of having to rely and go onto the new Healthcare that Congress has been arguing about in order to get the bill passed first time around. Any law that congress passes that exempts them – one has to ask; “What is wrong with the law and if our leaders are exempt then it there is something wrong with the law?!”

Things need to change if Congress is incapable to reach a budget agreement. What if Congress was fined a 25% of their pay each day that they cannot reach a decision? The result, you would see how fast they could reach a compromise if their pockets were affected. If the politicians realize the public won’t take their inaction anymore maybe they will go back to the basics you learn in
kindergarten like how to compromise. This is nothing short of political theatrics. One party not getting their way, so let the government shut down. Grow up and run this country, quit playing games with American lives.

Oh here is a simple idea to make things easier for the Congress to make a decision. Each bill should be for ONE thing only. Once that ONE item is voted for…. and you want to add to it. Make a NEW Bill and vote on it. NO MORE HIDDEN OR EXTRA THINGS ADDED TO THE BILLS THAT ARE TO BE VOTED ON!!!!!!!!!! One, you would be things done at a faster pace. Two, sneaky things that are hidden in each bill would have to be displayed where all could see it.

Only give bonuses if the budget is balanced. (Good Luck Congressman) Taxpayers should not have to pay for Congresses flights, hotel rooms, food and any secret extras. THIS SHOULD INCLUDE THE PRESIDENT AND HIS FAMILY. We have to pay for our getting to work expenses. Why don’t they have to pay for theirs?

At this time the congressmen responsible should be charged with dereliction of duty. The members of Congress are responsible for assuring that OUR government functions efficiently and effectively. They have failed to do so They DO WORK FOR US, and they are not doing their job. The Attorney General should bring everyone of them up on charges, and this includes the President.

There is something seriously wrong with our government and we are sending a seriously bad message to our allies as well as our enemies that we are not in control and weak.

– MD